In February 2024 Inchant held a workshop day for female conductors aged 16-23 at the Royal Academy of Music, in partnership with London Youth Choirs.

This workshop day included podium time with the London Youth Chamber Choir and singers from Inchant, conducting tuition from Emma Warren and Olivia Shotton, and a Q&A panel session.

"I thoroughly enjoyed the day and I really hope to get more opportunities like this in the future! It has massively encouraged me to pursue conducting and given me the confidence to put myself forward and seek out more opportunities where I may be able to conduct."

"Emma and Olivia were wonderful conducting tutors, as they gave detailed feedback when we conducted, and this was so useful and helpful to help me to develop my conducting skills... I have taken away so many tips that I am putting into practice to improve my conducting, especially some golden nuggets of advice that I found so inspiring to hear, and that will really impact the way that I approach conducting going forward!"

"This was an amazing experience, and I am so grateful and feel so privileged to have been able to attend. The teaching was incredibly useful and I am very grateful for the time that the workshop leaders devoted to us. I feel as though my conducting has improved greatly.

Perhaps the best thing I gained from the workshop was more confidence. Emma helped foster such a welcoming and collaborative environment, where I felt inspired by everyone around me."

Read more about the day on the LYC blog